
Dr. Galpin takes the following nine supplements:

  • Two capsules of a multivitamin in the morning and evening daily
  • 4 grams of fish oil daily
  • 7.5 grams of creatine daily
  • Two collagen injections before each workout
  • 200 milligrams of magnesium daily
  • 200 milligrams of Rhodiola rosea daily
  • 225 milligrams of green tea extract daily
  • 5,000 international units of vitamin D daily
  • 5 milligrams of L-glutamine twice daily

Dr. Andy Galpin, a health performance scientist and Assistant Professor at Cal State Fullerton, has coached elite athletes and celebrities from the LA Clippers to Travis Barker. He is also part of a growing number of people personalizing their approach to health-related practices and interventions with the hope of living longer.

As part of his longevity-focused repertoire, Dr. Galpin uses nine supplements, presented in Business Insider. He told Business Insider that he does not want to “oversell supplements at all;” however, he has seen them improve people’s nutrient levels hundreds of times.

What’s more, Dr. Galpin’s supplementation protocol comes from extensive testing for personalization. At the end of each year’s quarter, Dr. Galpin undergoes blood tests and adjusts his supplement regimen and workout goals based on the results. This means that his supplement stack is based on his body’s specific needs and may not be right for each person. Moreover, people should always consult with a physician before taking new supplements.

In addition to supplementation, Dr. Galpin encourages a well-rounded approach in our quest to maximize longevity. This includes a diet packed with high-quality protein and whole foods, plenty of exercise, positive relationships, and quality sleep.

Dr. Andy Galpin’s Supplement Stack

Here is Dr. Galpin’s current supplement protocol:

Multivitamin: Dr. Galpin takes two multivitamin capsules in the morning and evening daily. While some studies suggest that taking a multivitamin has little effect, some people, like Dr. Galpin, take them to make sure they are covering basic nutritional needs.

“It’s a few cents a day, and people that are very active and exposed to high amounts of stress, there is some literature suggesting they could benefit,” says Dr. Richard Bloomer, a scientist at the University of Memphis who studies how effective supplements are, to Business Insider.

There is also some evidence suggesting older adults taking a multivitamin may derive subtle cognitive benefits related to memory. Thus, taking a multivitamin may serve as a way to ensure your nutritional needs are met and may help with memory.

Fish oil: Every day, Dr. Galpin takes 4 grams of fish oil, which, according to Galpin, may support brain function and reduce inflammation. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which our bodies need but cannot produce. Omega-3s play important roles in brain function, growth and development, and keeping inflammation in check, according to the Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Foods with a high omega-3 fatty acid content include fatty fish like salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds, and leafy vegetables. Furthermore, it is unclear whether capsules confer the same benefits as whole foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, according to a Harvard Medical School publication.

Creatine: Dr. Galpin takes 7.5 grams of creatine daily, because he believes it provides a number of short- and long-term health benefits. Such benefits include helping to build muscle mass.

Even without supplementation, the body’s liver, pancreas, and kidneys can make creatine from three amino acids — the building blocks of proteins. The body primarily stores creatine in muscles, where it is used for energy, but it is also stored in the brain, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Research from multiple studies suggests that creatine supplementation enhances physical performance while reducing recovery time after workouts. Furthermore, results from studies measuring whether creatine enhances cognition are mixed. Based on those studies, while creatine may improve reasoning and short-term memory in healthy adults, its effects on other cognitive parameters such as planning and long-term memory are unclear.

Collagen: Dr. Galpin says he takes two injections of collagen before each workout for joint health. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, serving as the primary building block of skin, muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons. It is also found in other connective tissues like cartilage, as well as in organs like the liver and in blood vessels.

There is no robust evidence suggesting collagen improves physical performance. However, some studies have reported positive results. For example, a small study of 24 healthy men found that when taking 20 grams of collagen a day for seven days before and two days after performing a rigorous exercise — 150 drop jumpsrecovery time was moderately improved and muscle soreness was reduced.

Magnesium: Dr. Galpin takes 200 milligrams of magnesium a day since he thinks it helps his muscle recovery after workouts as well as his sleep.

“Most high-exercising people are going to benefit from magnesium supplementation,” says Andy Galpin.

Magnesium is a mineral that aids over 300 enzymes that carry out a multitude of chemical reactions in the body. Such chemical reactions are involved in building proteins and bones, modulating blood sugar and blood pressure, and muscle function, according to the Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

According to the American Sports and Fitness Association, a magnesium deficiency is associated with less efficient muscles that are more prone to fatigue. What’s more, one study found that 500 milligrams of daily magnesium for eight weeks, given to adults aged 60 to 75, was associated with extended sleep time and a reduced number of times waking up during the night.

Rhodiola rosea: Andy Galpin takes 200 milligrams of Rhodiola rosea for stress management and muscle endurance. Rhodiola rosea is an herb used for centuries in parts of Europe and Asia to enhance physical endurance and treat depression and fatigue, among other things. Rhodiola rosea is considered to be an adaptogen — an herb, root, or other plant substance that helps to manage stress and restore the body’s balance after a stressful situation.

More research is needed to confirm Rhodiola rosea’s anti-anxiety benefits. However, in one study, participants experiencing stress-related burnout reported that they felt less tired and more joyful after taking 400 milligrams of Rhodiola rosea daily for 12 weeks.

Green tea extract: Andy Galpin says he takes 225 milligrams of green tea extract daily to support his immune system. Compounds naturally found in green tea extract called polyphenols are also believed to neutralize free radicals — unstable atoms that can damage cells. Free radicals are thought to contribute to health problems such as cancer. Hence, by neutralizing free radicals, the polyphenols found in green tea extract may aid against ailments like cancer.

While green tea extract may help the immune system, more research in humans is needed for confirmation.

Vitamin D: Dr. Galpin takes 5,000 international units of vitamin D daily for muscle, brain, and gut health. Vitamin D helps with the body’s absorption of calcium and the essential element phosphorus, which is needed for healthy teeth, bones, and muscle, according to Dr. Galpin.

Research has consistently suggested that vitamin D plays a role in the proper functioning of the digestive system. Corroborating this association, a study of 80 women who were deficient in vitamin D found that vitamin D supplementation improved gut microbial diversity, a sign of a healthy gut. Other research suggests that vitamin D may play a role in preserving cognitive function.

L-glutamine: Dr. Galpin says he takes 5 milligrams of L-glutamine twice daily for immune support and gut health. L-glutamine, an amino acid, serves as a vital energy source for immune cells such as white blood cells. It also helps modulate intestinal inflammation and helps maintain the barrier between the intestines and the rest of the body.

L-glutamine is used in clinical settings at times to treat patients who have low levels of this amino acid or who have an illness like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Moreover, some experts say that supplementing with L-glutamine may not be all that helpful for healthy people.

Personalizing Your Supplement Stack

You can start curating your supplement stack by taking blood tests to reveal whether you have a vitamin, fatty acid, or protein deficiency. Targeting any deficiency with a particular supplement may help alleviate it.

Furthermore, if you have a specific health condition, using a supplement that helps mitigate the condition may prolong your healthy lifespan. For example, clinicians often recommend L-glutamine for people with IBS.

By making your own stack of supplements based on blood tests, you can reframe the model of care you receive from focusing on disease treatment to prevention with longevity in mind. In doing so, you will join the growing crowd of people participating in Medicine 3.0. Dr. Peter Attia, a longevity researcher and physician, coined this term describing a philosophy that attempts to draw attention toward getting people to an optimal state of health. For this purpose, he recommends focusing on root causes of age-related diseases. In line with Medicine 3.0, a blood test-based, personalized supplementation regimen may help optimize your state of health for the sake of longevity.